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You will be held in a brave and sacred space to explore your inner-world, and uncover what you are being called to create.
You do not need to consider yourself "an artist" to do this process.
Everyone and everything is creative.
When we think of art... we think of music, poetry, paintings, sculptures, and yes, all those things require creative energy...
But there’s so much more! Medicine, legislation, home-building, relationships, travel, re-decorating, grassroots organizing, teaching, leading, sales, marketing.... all of that is creative too!

~Benefits of Our Creative Circle~
13 Weekly Calls
To Connect with Your Creative Community
A Private Slack Channel for Accountability
& Inspiration
Yoga and Meditation Practices to Support
You on Your Journey

Meet Your Guide
👋🏼 Hi, I'm Kate Bone
After facilitating over 150 people through "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron, I've developed a keen ability to see where creative energy is stuck in the body and open up new pathways for your creative energy to flow.
As a multi-disciplinary artist, I know how challenging it can be to bring a daydream into reality.
Everyone's creative process is different and requires a unique combination of nourishment, inspiration, and encouragement.
Let's discover what is needed to unlock your creative potential, and unleash your creative vision into the world to uplift humanity.
showing up -- just as you are -- is enough
What You'll Get ~
✨ Clarity on what you really want to create and a clear path to get you there
✨ Strategies to beat procrastination for good
✨ A greater sense of joy and pleasure in your creative work and your life as a whole
✨ A proven framework for transforming criticism into useful feedback for your work
✨ A creative community to encourage, support, and inspire you every step of the way
viral on TikTok
For talking about the miracles I've witnessed in facilitating over 150 people through "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron.
It's been an honor to support our community members in...
→ discovering their calling and stepping boldly into a new direction
→ booking their dream job ✨
→ getting promotions and getting PAID 💰
→ getting out of toxic relationship and finding true love 🥰
→ starting that creative business they've always wanted to 🎨
→ manifesting free trips to New York to see art they've always wanted to witness 🌇
→ reclaiming their space to have more creative flow in their daily life 🌱
here's what our alumni are saying
Incredible Years of Cultivating Community
Creative Humans Activated
Hours Spent on Creative Community Calls
"Artist's Way" Circles

We do things a little differently here :)
I hear so many people lament about how they wish that they could finish the 12-Week Process of "The Artist's Way" but they keep falling off, or they feel overwhelmed by the material, or life just keeps getting in the way.
We have a different approach to the work here.
I tell my Circles all the time.. you're not here to serve this book.. this book is here to serve YOUR CREATIVITY!
We hold a lot of space for this process to be unique to everyone who joins. Take what works for you and leave the rest. Sure, we talk about the reading, but the real magic comes from being in a creative community and learning from our peers and seeing how the work is waking up inside of each one of us, individually.
We aim to foster an inter-disciplinary community here because we believe in the wisdom of nature... and mother earth shows us again and again how important biodiversity is in creating a vibrant ecosystem. This means we have space for you to bring all parts of yourself.
The folks who come to be in Creative Community with us here at wonderwell range from people who are just starting to dip their toe into creative waters, to artists performing at the height of their game. We've got parents who are reclaiming 10 minutes a day for their creative magic, and full-time working artists who are looking to feel a little more grounded in being a human.
It is my belief that we all have something to learn from each other. I want all ages, all genres, all backgrounds, all levels of experience to come to our space and feel welcome, because no matter where you are... you are flowing in your very own creative cycle.

Week #1: Landing in The Artist BodyInteractive Lecture and Embodiment Exercise - Receive Your Body as an Instrument - Tools to Nourish the Artist's Brain - Establishing Supportive Structures Q&A Community Sharing + Integration
Week #2: Opening to Inspiration + Crafting Organizational StructuresInteractive Lecture + Embodiment Exercise - Open to Inspiration - Connect to Your Desire to Create - Map Your Muses - Develop Your Artist Organization Systems Q&A Community Sharing + Integration
Week #3: Establishing Regenerative Creative Production SchedulesInteractive Lecture and Embodiment Exercise - Sensing Your Creative Production Rhythms - Developing an Artistic Expression Practice - Prioritizing Play - Dissolving Perfectionism Q&A Community Sharing + Integration
Week 4: Stepping into the Light + Honing Your Artist AestheticInteractive Lecture and Embodiment Exercise - Stepping Into the Light and Dissolving the Fear of Being Seen - Crafting Your Artist Archetype - Creating Your Capsule Branding - Establishing Authentic Ways of Connecting with Your Audience Q&A Community Sharing + Integration
Week 5: Reflection Rituals + IntegrationInteractive Lecture and Embodiment Exercise - Integrating Your Experience - Establishing Rhythms and Rituals for Your Creativity Moving Forward - Resting in the Embrace of Your Creative Energy Q&A Community Sharing + Integration
INTEGRATION SESSIONSWeekly Integration Sessions available for participants to ask questions, receive insights and feedback, review concepts from our instructional calls, and build community with other creatives.
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