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Embody your creative force.
Connect your creative community.
Create from your heart.
Release your creation into the world.
Evolve through the creative cycle.

primary nourishment for

Core Programming
Quarterly Seasonal Immersions
A dynamic half-day virtual artist retreat will guide you to tune into where your creative desire is pointing you now and set a strong intention and clear priorities for the season ahead.
Group Mentorship Calls w/ Kate
Share about your unique creative process, and any resistance or challenges you may be coming up against. and receive reflections and guidance from Kate.
Accountability Calls w/ Your Creative Community
Check-in on your creative priorities and acknowledge your effort and progress. Dive deeper into common themes in a facilitated conversation and tap into the wealth of wisdom from within our community.
Membership Benefits
Instant access to our robust Creative Resource Portal to nourish, inspire, and empower your artistry.
Weekly Virtual Co-Working Space
Private Slack Channel
Special Perks
Discounts on 1:1 Sessions with Kate

exploring the nature of creativity
A key element of my creative ecosystem was missing...
Picasso has this great quote, "“When art critics get together they talk about Form and Structure and Meaning. When artists get together they talk about where you can buy cheap turpentine.”
After college, I continued my acting training at various studios around town, I was accepted as a member of The Road Theatre, and started booking some work in Film and Television... but still.. I felt like something was missing from my creative constellation.
I wanted a non-academic space to be with other creatives.
I wanted to create in a way that reflected the cycles of nature.
I wanted to have a place to go each week to center in my creative vision, share my journey, and practice accountability.
After several generations of "The Artist's Way" we had quite a blossoming community of creatives who were dedicated to their path, loving the weekly accountability, and wanting to continue the conversation around creating in alignment with their nature.
Julia Cameron talks about the importance of "Filling the Well" -- feeding our Artist's Brain with sights, sounds, textures, tastes, and smells that will ignite our imagination and open us up to the sensorium of existence.
(the well) MEMBERSHIP is a place for creative artists from all different disciplines, and mediums to deepen their work alongside each other, outside the gaze of a teacher. This is not a class. This is a circle.

(the well) is hands down one of the best communities I have been a part of. Everyone shares so deeply, supports one another fully, and gives amazing insight. It has really helped me stay accountable and inspired."
"The main thing I gained from (the well) is confidence in my riskier creative endeavors, a fire in my belly to create that expands beyond my typical creative projects because I’m inspired by what others are involved in. (the well) has been an invaluable and surprising asset to my creative arsenal that I can’t find in books or other artistic podcasts or courses."
"This is a space I have been looking for my whole life. The space you've created is conscious, buoyant, and extremely loving. I am beyond grateful to share space and learn from you and the beautiful community that has formed."
(the well) Membership is perfect for you if...
☑️ You know that you're here to make art.
☑️ You are inspired to commit to a creative project, and follow through to completion.
☑️ You're interested in creating a life that fuels your art, and living a life that inspires your art.
☑️ You're ready to deepen your artistry and get more skilled at your craft.
☑️ You want to feel supported by a community as you take the next steps on your path.

"When critics get together they talk about form, and structure, and meaning...
When artist's get together they talk about where you can buy cheap turpentine."
-Pablo Picasso

(the well)
an infinite resource for creative wellbeing
Dozens of Creative Resources
at your Fingertips
All Guided Creative Exercises and Lectures are available in our Private Resource Portal.
Access call recordings, mini-meditations, journaling prompts, group discussions, and custom worksheets in our private membership portal.
Topics Include:
Establishing Nourishing Structures
Embody Your Creative Archetype
Design Your Creative Contract
Deep Dive into The Creative Cycle
Creative Affirmation Meditation
Full Body Warm-Up for Performers
Create Your Archetype Playlist
Connecting to the Muse
Organizational Systems for Artists
The 6 Traps in Releasing Your Creative Work
and more!

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